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Home Sippin' Tasting Room Inside Sippin' What is Your Prescription For Health? - Sip #75

What is Your Prescription For Health? - Sip #75

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rows of vinesOne of wine’s characteristics is its potential for intoxication. One of life’s characteristics is its propensity for stress. Times for clinking glasses and sharing good wishes are moments apart: from pressures, deadlines and constant struggles to keep up.  A glass of wine at the end of a day is a way to savor the best of today and be “up” for tomorrow.

There are many drugs and pharmaceuticals used to address life’s ailments and pains.   Wine is a “prescription” for calm, in precarious times, and it includes the same caution found on every drug and pharmaceutical label: “take a limited number of tablets/teaspoons/tablespoons, and no more”.

Wine’s health benefits are predicated on consumption in moderation: physical health, with red wine good for the heart and white wine good for the lungs; and spiritual health, manifesting in the relaxing character of a glass of wine, subtly enhancing the taste of the food and the enjoyment of those sharing the experience.  As a “drug” for life, wine invites you to bring the best into and out of yourself, in special times, with special people. The instructions on the label add: “find more of life’s moments to celebrate, as an antidote to overload, anxiety and stress”.

TOAST- In difficult times, it is good to have friends and colleagues with whom to share support and care.  Through good times and bad, each toast induces you to reflect on your relationships, strengthen them and savor them.  Pausing to do so is good medicine for keeping “up” with everything life sends your way.


  1. How is wine good medicine in your life?
  2. What remedies help you respond to life pressures and enable you to see and feel what is good and blessed about your lot?
  3. What strategies do you utilize to make time to stop and breathe and regain your balance?

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